An Example of Post and Lintel

 An Example of Post and Lintel

By: Cami Budzik

    The Neolithic period took place between the Paleolithic period and the Bronze age in Europe. The Neolithic period was when people started to settle and were no longer nomads. An example of Neolithic art is StoneHedge in England in around 3,000-1,500 BCE (pictured below). These stones were believed to have been moved from different locations, great distances away. In the creation of StoneHedge, many different cultural groups worked together and it was believed that different stones had different meanings. 

    This arrangement of the stones is called a post and lintel design. The horizontal stone is called the lintel and it is supported by the two other stones, or the posts. In the picture that I took above, the Mosaic Temple also demonstrates this element of design, with the top of the doorway being the lintel and the supporting beams being the posts. I took this image in front of the Mosaic Temple on West Carpenter Street.
